There is no need to deceive yourself, regardless of whether you are the head of a branch of a large corporation or a garage start-up, your business is the best, because it is yours. And you’re definitely right, and PR can help convince the rest of the world about it. However, it is sometimes worth looking with a fresh eye and assessing the current activity of the company from a distance. It is worth paying attention to the attractiveness of its offer, target groups, potential consumers and auditing the existing communication. Such a look from the aside can bring completely new ideas that will be a real fuel for business for the coming years.
Before everyone started talking about cloud and Big Data, whole PR teams had to clear the forest of consumer ignorance and seed the field with information about the potential benefits of these groundbreaking technologies. If your product or service is from the category of these new/breakthrough tech, there is a high probability that it will really be of great interest to several industry nerds, but are you sure will it interest an ordinary Kowalski as well? PR for technology often involves translation “from technical to casual”, and this can be a real challenge for people who are too much involved in the project. For Public Relations agencies, however, it is daily bread.
If you are looking for investors or you operate primarily in the field of B2B, the credibility of your business should be your apple of the eye. In addition to providing quality products and services, it’s worthwhile to get media exposure, especially if your company already has something to boast about or you want to be seen as an expert in your industry. An interview with you on a popular business portal arranged by a PR agency can be a good way to increase awareness among potential partners and the first step to concluding new contracts.
“Whoever bought a phone without checking the video review first should be the first to throw a stone.” The multitude of technological products and services that we have and that we can have and their gigantic offer on the market forces us to look for opinions supporting decisions to buy new gadgets. After all, how else to get to grips with this technological jungle? Of course, we still ask friends, but YT portals and channels conducting equipment reviews are a powerful sales weapon today. With good relations with journalists, the preparation of high-quality product materials and storytelling around your product/services and thus gaining a long list of media recommendations, conquering the market can be much easier.
Any human being can make a mistake, and any technology can fail. According to Murphy’s Law: if something can break, it will eventually break. When an unexpected blow comes, it is worth being as prepared as possible and having an appropriate crisis strategy prepared by the PR agency and using the knowledge and experience of Public Relations specialists to extinguish the crisis, which ultimately with a bit of luck and a large dose of hard work can turn into communication success.